WATCH: Woman Performs Beautiful Sign Language Rendition Of "WAP" At This Year's Lollapalooza






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Well done, madam. Both the hearing impaired and visually competent thank you for your service. To be honest, you stole the show. I mean how many times have we heard WAP? A thousand? I've never once seen a sign language interpreter mime an imaginary phallus touching that lil' dangly that swings in the back of their throat…




There was a longer clip that I couldn't find (lazy) where Meghan actually stops the show to acknowledge her, but you're going to have to find that on your own. Regardless, the whole thing reminds me of that time Waka Flocka mistook a sign language interpreter for a dancer at his concert and proceeded to walk over to her, hop on her stage, and rap the rest of Hard In The Paint while she stool there and signed…

What a moment. I think this is my last Lollapalooza blog but no promises. There are so many good clips that come out after the fact that I may have to throw a couple more up. Thanks for reading. Now take it away, Waka! 






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